
Our workshops deep dive into specific topics to help teachers think about how they teach and connect individually to each client. We aim to create a supportive and positive community for all teachers. CECs available for each workshop.

Open to all teachers who completed over 450 hours of teacher training and Certificate of Completion or with program directors approval if still in training.

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Cueing: Outdated to Updated

We want to help teachers come back to the basics, thinking about what we are asking the client to do. Simply state what we want the client to do without using memorized and outdated cues. Learn how the exercises affect the anatomy in movement to more accurately cue what is needing to happen in each exercise.

What are we asking the client to do?

What is anatomically occurring in the exercise: anatomy in motion?

What is the client potentially missing, and what simple direction might help them achieve it?

In this workshop you will learn to :

  • Simplify the practice of cueing to become more efficient and effective.

  • Eliminate outdated cues that have become popular jargon.

  • Understand the purpose of an exercise in order to cue accurately. 

  • Increase awareness of anatomy in motion, how the body moves throughout an exercise to find cues that are not unintentionally counteracting what is occurring in the movement. (ex looking down in extension)

  • Increase awareness of common cues that are either inappropriate, ineffective, or harmful.


The client in pain


Teaching post-rehabilitative Pilates